
And Other Stories


This site is a collection of things I make; mostly fiction, but there's also visual art and a bit of music, and possibly more things to come! Non-story worldbuilding and nonfiction rambling are the likeliest. Most of the things I make are connected together in various ways, not all of which are spelled out. If you have questions about what's going on with anything, or thoughts about things that might be connected, please feel free to let me know. It would make my day!

This is the main directory of the site, which is presented with aesthetic in mind more than accessibility. The fonts are serif, it has light text on a black background, and some stories use colored text. If any of that sounds inaccessible, unwieldy, or just not preferable, the /a/ directory has all the same content without those features. You can swap between them from any page by adding or removing the /a/ in the url. (Right after the .com, going ahead of any other subfolders.) If there are more accommodations I could make, or a separate suite of accomodations that would be preferable, please do let me know. It wouldn't be terribly hard to make another directory or keep it updated.

Now, some introductions for the stories:

The main piece is Preternatural, an original fiction story about people with superpowers. Not superheroes and not supervillains, just people, a lot of them teenagers. My second ongoing writing project here is Dread, a story about uncertainty and fear. Thirdly, there is Zeal, a fantasy story about conflict and consequence. Fourth is first chapter of FrigidFrigid: World Domination, and Other Childish Pursuits, a serial novel about supervillainy. Fifth, there is Garden, a magical girl story.

Also in my online writing endeavors, I've started a reader-vote-driven story in a forum; a Quest, as the cool kids say. And Should the Soil Not Take You is an original fantasy story about life, undeath, putting things back together, and evil sorcery. I will host an archive on this site, arc-by-arc. I don't have any plans to do the actual reader suggestion and voting on this site, but I'm going to leave the vote questions and options explicit, rather than writing them out, as I think the options not taken still inform the story. My apologies to anyone who thinks that's ugly.

Lastly, there are other short stories and bits of writing, which might or might not get followed up on. You can find them near the bottom of the archive, under "Short Stories".

I'm slow at writing, but I have a lot of fun doing it, and really do want to see concepts through. I've tried a regular update schedule for a while; it should eventually come back, but for now updates will be as things are written. I have way too many concurrent projects; updating is a bit of a mess, but the plan is get moving again, shake the rust off and start taking some things toward their ends. The other serials and short stories update sporadically, as I write them.

If you're here, why not check out the first page of Preternatural, the first page of Dread, the first page of Zeal, the first chapter of Frigid, or look at some of the other things in the Archive? Or there's the Gallery and Jukebox. And if you have checked out the site, consider sharing it with anyone else you think might like it. I really appreciate you taking some time to look at the stuff I make!


Sorry this place is so dead! I'm finally folding in the rather superfluous extra site that I had. Pinky swear that this site isn't dead, and I am going to finish these stories. Things will be sporadic for a bit, most likely; life is being the way life can be. I do have some things I can and should and ideally will be putting on the site soon, some art and the second arc of Should the Soil.

Most recent updates:

Loveless (October 31)

[Also published on on Sufficient Velocity for a contest]

Shelter (October 31) [Originally published on Sufficient Velocity for a contest]

Disconnect (July 16) [Sequel to Object, sequel to Imitation, originally published on Sufficient Velocity for a contest]

Departure (May 26)

And Should the Soil Not Take You Arc 1, Elegy (March 12)